Johan Derksen Monday evening for a lot of fuss caused by speaking out in Soccer on Inside Moroccan footballers on the Dutch football. The Dutch Moroccan Alliance (SMN) demands apology from both the football analyst as RTL.
HUGO Borst
According Derksen operate some amateur clubs anymore, or even disappear, because too large a percentage of players with a Moroccan background. The statements he made after following a column by Hugo Borst wrote that trainers often hop about with other players with a Moroccan background than with other players. And not in a positive way.
I will be dismissed as racist, but that so I do not give shit, "says Derksen. "There are a lot of clubs went to the miserable because they lie a field in a neighborhood where many Moroccan families live. Moroccan players get the upper hand in the selection and thus functions almost anywhere. Dutch young people go to other clubs. Who do not want to work with nine Moroccan boys who do not dare to shower in their bare ass. "
Derksen claims that there is a big problem on the football, but nobody does anything about it. "It is never fair spoken in this country. But it is indeed a problem. A much bigger problem than we want to recognize all together. I'm not for nothing moved from Gouda where many Moroccans live. " By: D. Aachen Photo: Football Inside
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