That says Zwagerman result of the new bill by Minister Ronald Plasterk of Interior which NPO leaders were going to earn less.
Among other Van Nieuwkerk would have to give up a large part of his large salary. And let Van Nieuwkerk just say have never to work for less.
If the presenter really have to stop at the NPO, it is according to Zwagerman not a disaster. "It's not that nobody else in the Netherlands can do the work of Matthijs. Humberto Tan can also, for example. In that sense, he may actually loves me. Otherwise they are too but always the same heads. So out with that man, sorry Matthijs, "said media critic.
The probability that the presenter really stops, however, if his salary is less, according to media critic not so great: "If it be that his salary goes down, then he invents a structure to circumvent it. Just like Jeroen Pauw did. Jeroen Pauw is not even as big earner at the NPO, while he sorts roads perhaps even more than earns Matthijs. It is difficult to control. It is often called the government wants to control it, but they never manage to actually see the receipts of the NPO. "
NPO and The World Keeps Turning broadcaster VARA declined to comment on a possible departure of Van Nieuwkerk in the future. by Sam at the Court Photo:
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