Between September and January are 60 child brides received from Syria Netherlands. Writing Corinne Dettmeijer-Vermeulen, the National Rapporteur on Trafficking and Sexual Violence against Children, the report "View of vulnerability."
Dettmeijer notes that done too little now. She wants the Netherlands to addressing child marriages criminal harder.
House Slave
Syrian girls often travel to the Netherlands with their adult man. "These girls often find themselves socially isolated, making abuse and exploitation for long periods can take," said Dettmeijer. "The risk is that they become long-term house slave or hidden woman."
The National Rapporteur also sees a risk for child brides within the Roma community, because where children are encouraged to enter into marriages.
"Currently there is not yet an active criminal prosecution of marriages to which children are turned on. This causes the Rapporteur concerned that several laws can be violated."
Dettmeijer wants more often opted for a criminal prosecution. "If children are encouraged to marry and then in a setting created to have sex, this should not be allowed." door Yahoo! News Photo: RTL
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