Four of the 24 paintings that were stolen from the West Frisian Museum in Hoorn in 2005, were found in Ukraine.
This confirmed a spokeswoman for the museum Thursday after a report of art theft specialist Arthur Fire on Twitter.
Ukrainian security services have announced the news at a press conference in Kiev. They have the clothes retrieved during a covert operation.
"It would be the Peasant, a portrait of Hendrick Boogaert, Kitchen Piece of Floris van Schooten, the Jephta Return of Jacob Waben and Women's World Jacob Waben. Those are really the most appealing and most missed pieces," said the museum a statement.
Two of the back cloths are found in a list, the other two are rolled up. The Westfriesmuseum worries about the condition of the paintings.
The paintings are then stolen by Jan van Goyen, Jacob Waben, Matthias Withoos, Jan Rietschoof, Jan Linsen, Herman Stallion Burgh and a number of lesser-known painters. When the robbery was also captured a dozen pieces use silver and church silver. The value of total robbery amounted to ten million.
The Westfriesmuseum announced late last year that the strong suspicion that all the stolen paintings are located in Ukraine. Since then, the Ukrainian Secret Service (SBU) is working to recover the paintings.
The search for the rest of the stolen paintings continues. However, the SBU fears that they are owned by Russian criminals. By: ANP / NU Photo: Nederpelt
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