The Johan Cruyff family was unpleasantly surprised by the publication of a book about the recently deceased former footballer. The book Johan Cruijff, the Legend, 1947-2016 appears Monday and published by Kick publishers.
The family and Cruyff management are also overwhelmed by the big picture of Cruyff used in ads for the book.
neat play
The management of the legendary footballer tells the Times that the book is published without an agreement is reached. The publisher and the Cruyff management are still talking to each other.
By legal action by Cruyff management can not prevent the appearance of the book. In 2013 the Supreme Court ruled that the publication of another book about Cruyff was lawful and that the consent of the guardians of the former footballer was not necessary.
Kick Publishers tells the newspaper the 'neat to want to play, "and has made a financial proposal to the management of Cruyff. by: Yahoo! News Photo: RTL
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