Insulting a friendly head of state should be prohibited by law than in the Netherlands, comedian Hans Teeuwen makes itself obsolete section of the law, not put off by it, according to many politicians. Teeuwen has opposite Yahoo! News considerably from the Turkish President Erdogan, after Chancellor Merkel today conceded that a German comedian may be prosecuted for the same offense.
,, I've got a blowjob from him credit, '' Teeuwen jokes as he takes it for Jan Böhmermann, who wrote a poem for mocking Erdogan. In a writing, which Böhmermann read out live on television channel ZDF, he insults times the Turkish politician dozens. He calls him "goat fucker 'and' pedophile '. He also accused Erdogan of having 'a small penis.
Storm of criticism
The proposal led to a storm of criticism from Turkish corner. In response to the reading of the poem Erdogan made declarations against the comedian. Böhmermann ducked for fear of angry Erdogan supporters among and received police protection. Teeuwen is clearly not afraid of any action in his direction. Even despite the fact that not only the policy of persecution need to decide in the Netherlands, the OM can proceed directly to action.
,, I'm here to defend a fellow artist, '' says Teeuwen. ,, I know Erdogan from the time he was a boy prostitute in a brothel in Istanbul and I was a regular there, because I need to blow off gay steam. '' Teeuwen jokes that Erdogan is walking around in a short 'boys whore panties "and he eventually entered on his advances. Erdogan he would "have satisfied oral" and "anal stimulated, but this would Teeuwen 'unsatisfied' have let you down.
Unsatisfied costumers
Erdogan would then have stepped up a play, which Teeuwen says. ,, If I need someone with a pig mask for the table shit, I might as well ask my mother '' Before Erdogan meddling in what satirists, believes Teeuwen that he can care better for all "dissatisfied customers who have a credit blowjob. With satire has nothing to do Teeuwen's reaction, according to him. Rutte would have "the same experience with Erdogan.
Erdogan could feel involved by the allegations of Teeuwen, the comedian risks in the Netherlands a maximum of two years in prison. Asked to comment on the issue Böhmermann said Prime Minister Mark Rutte today: ,, This is a matter between Germany and Turkey. The Turkish president is offended, the German government must respond. Europe does not touch. '' A majority of VVD, SP, PVV, D66 and GroenLinks, however, wants the law amended.
Teeuwen, who says that "prostitution, satire and freedom 'him close to my heart, to find decision that everyone should do his work in a normal way. He clarified his hard words ,, A satirist makes satire, a boy hooker satisfies men and a politician trying to govern the country and if that is going to walk together, we get a kliederboel ". By: Editors AD
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