Bullied 'thick' Nick blows jury Holland's Got Talent down

Gepubliceerd op 15 april 2016 om 23:55

Nick Nicolai (18) from Haastrecht Friday has made a big impression with a stoneware unexpected appearance in the second episode of Holland's Got Talent. ,, I'm used frequently bullied and sing I really lost everything, '' was his introduction.


Nick Nicolai (18) from Haastrecht Friday has made a big impression with a stoneware unexpected appearance in the second episode of Holland's Got Talent. ,, I'm used frequently bullied and sing I really lost everything, '' was his introduction.

Going to school was not fun for Nick. ,, I was bullied because I was different from others. They thought. I was called fat, which has a great impact had on me, '' says Nick.

Although he does not have the appearance of an idol with his overweight teenager crushed the jury, consisting of Angela Groothuizen, Chantal Janzen, Dan Karaty and Gordon, with his version of Etta James' "At Last." ,, Maybe it very well, '' Angela looked ahead.

,, No, no, no, '' Gordon called during the first perfect note from Nick. Dan Karaty surprise hit of his hand over his mouth and Chantal gave a standing ovation.

It provided the singing talent a golden ticket to the finals. Angela: ,, What a big nose make you to all those bullies now. You have to bring something: Hello guys, I'm here '' Also on Twitter rains Friday compliments.

http://www.ad.nl/ad/nl/  By: Hans van Soest Photo: RTL / Youtbe


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