Groceries at C1000, get fast envelopes at the post office and then briefly at Videoland along. In 2006 this was a normal tour around the mall, but in ten years time these chains disappeared almost completely from the streets. Other chains grew correct. What are the gainers and decliners in the Dutch retail landscape?
' Red ' by Marco Borsato turns on the radio, Balkenendes second Cabinet falls and black book wins three Golden calves. It is 2006 and almost everyone has a post office and a Rabobank in the neighborhood. Leenbank is the successor of the Farmers with 1240 locations the largest chain of Netherlands, measured in branches. The post office branches, with 765 follows in the ranking of retail research firm Locatus.
It is now ten years later. All post offices are closed, the V&D is bankrupt and Videoland is like a box of old VHS tapes disappeared from everyday life. But there are also chain stores that have a growth spurt. The number of branches of the Action is more than doubled and Wibra and sailor opened dozens of new stores-since the crisis we have more eye for bargains. Also Blokker, where redundancies, should now again look back on a growth over ten years.
Supermarket war also when doing errands we were price sensitivity. Aldi and Lidl opened hundreds of new stores and are both in the top 20 of chains with most branches. Undisputed market leader is still Albert Heijn, which occupies the second place with 850 branches. On the first place is enthroned in the meantime Kruidvat. The druggist has 891 locations.
Supermarket chain Jumbo, which ten years ago, not even in the top 100, has moved up to fourth place. That could, among other things, by adopting C1000 and Super de Boer. That large grutters disappeared during the supermarket, as well as the war in 1917 created Edah. FIR and Caring survived the battle, but shrank considerably.
Unmanned petrol stations apart from a supermarket war raged the past decade also a gas war. Cars are more economical and motorists fill up less and less. The effects are clearly visible in the hotel ranking: Shell, Texaco, Total, Esso, BP and joint locks almost 800 locations Avia. Unmanned petrol stations, such as Tinq, Tango, Tamoil and Firezone, fighting is right up in the top 100. by: Jan Kruidhof/photo: REUTERS
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