In court in Amsterdam on Monday begun hearing nine witnesses about alleged extensive network of child abuse in the 80s. Witnesses say that justice employees were involved in the network, including the retired Justice Topman Joris Demmink.
The first witness in the case, Koos van Woudenberg says abused at a young age to be in an apartment in Amsterdam. It would go to the home of Professor Ger van Roon. In the house he met in his own words include former mayor Ed van Thijn, Prince Claus and former minister Onno Ruding. According to Van Woudenberg, he had orally gratify Ruding. Prince Claus, he would have seen in a bar-café "in relation to young boys."
Hundreds of boys
The second witness in the case held late 80s a list of young boys who worked as prostitutes in Amsterdam. The former employee of the then Municipal Health Raphael Beth (70) came to a first count to 350. According to official figures would amount to "only" 35 boys. Beth, however, up to ten times, he argues that the boys were recruiting another.
They all had lists them with the names of men she could visit. Beth had in his own words a good view of the group because they came to him with problems. In addition, he visited once a week, six or seven guys brothels in Amsterdam to talk to the owner. Beth says that the "whole pedo prostitution 'in those days was tolerated, no repressive policy. Curiously, he does not know the witness by Van Woudenberg as a 'spider in the web "said Ger van Roon.
The leading role in the case is for the 43-year-old boys prostitute Bart van Well. He still suffers from post-traumatic stress and mood swings. Before that, he loves the state, which should have acted faster, according to him against juvenile prostitution charge. ,, We want to prove that the government was aware of youth prostitution at the time, but it left committed, "explains Martin White, Van Wells lawyer out.
One of the witnesses was Charles Maasdam, who for years, guiding a boy brothel in Amsterdam East. Maasdam was sentenced in 1998 to three years in prison. Across the AD, which he regularly visited over the years, Maasdam told to feel a scapegoat. ,, For years my brothel was tolerated. Officers, social workers came across the floor. And suddenly it was not anymore? "
Amsterdam appeared in the 80s called a haven for pedophiles. There were guys brothels and bars where underage boys were picked. There were even organized pedo traveling to Amsterdam. Former GG & GD fieldworker Raphael Beth, which many worked with boy prostitutes, said in papers that hundreds of underage boys from the Netherlands, Romania and the Czech Republic as a whore working in Amsterdam. The question is what happened to that conclusion.
Beth turned out two years ago to fieldwork are not forgotten. In his office in Amsterdam, he showed a database which he had saved hundreds of names of boys whores, pimps and customers. With their nicknames it. "Pathogen" For example, a few hygienic boy a customer put a knife in his ribs.
The testimony of witnesses will likely provide more clarity about a leaked police investigation into the 90s. The so-called Rolodexonderzoek was started in secret after informants told Justice employees and prosecutors had also been customers.
Current VVD MP Fred Teeven that time as a prosecutor involved in the Rolodexonderzoek. Perhaps he can explain why the search for good and it was launched, was known to the suspects.
A declaration of Jetty Bruges Wirth, testifying Wednesday was one of the reasons to start Rolodexonderzoek. She went to the police after her boyfriend Nico L. had abused her daughter. A former vice detective named L. boys brothels driver, the "dangerous psychopath" he had ever met. He was sentenced to eight years in prison and TBS.
Conspicuously absent from parade witnesses Joris Demmink, the former Chief Justice, which has repeatedly been accused of child abuse. ,, Demmink has shown to be prevented throughout the week, "says lawyer De Witte. He will be heard at a later date. However, a former appears AIVD employee who has conducted a safety investigation Demmink in 2002.
A preliminary hearing is intended to prepare for a lawsuit. Van Well can thus determine his legal position in a possible action against the state. There will follow a verdict.
Against Demmink also runs another individual penalty range. There are several reports of abuse against him. The Public Prosecutor has always taken the view that there is no clear evidence against the man, but under pressure from the Court of Appeal in Arnhem is nevertheless launched an investigation. The prosecution is dependent on the Turkish authorities for more information.
Two principals were abused by Demmink in Turkey. A specialized team ruled earlier that the declaration of one of them is not reliable. Turkey dismissed the case. Demmink himself says he is innocent. He was in his own words not even in Turkey when the abuse was taking place.
The hearings will continue tomorrow. Then Charles Maasdam include speaking, the former owner of a boy brothel. By: Koen Voskuil and Chris Patten Photo: Koen Voskuil.
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