The ladies are hard on the road to the hammering when it comes to shady practices. Where previously it was known that there are more and more female shoplifters, Metro made public Monday that punished more girls for vandalism and disturbances of public order.
There is now a fact in: women cheat more often in their work and steal more from the boss. Hofmann Investigations was investigating abuses in the workplace and concluded, in addition to increasing female fraudsters, including an increase in the number of employees used company to set up their own business.
"It was more common in 2015 that employees started a company while they were still employed by an employer. On the one hand this is often done because of the financial security. But it also happened that employees used the information, products or customers of their employer to set up their own business, "says Hofmann.
It is also striking that often 'important people' in the company who scrounge money or defraud another way. Employees who are in financial difficulties are a major risk group. "Here we see a clear tail end of the recession. 71 percent of employees who committed fraud or theft last year, this had a financial motive. "
Sketch of the offender profile
What are the characteristics of an employee who commits a mistake?
· The number of female offenders then rose again. In 28 percent of cases, the culprit in our studies a woman, compared to 25 percent in 2014.
· In particular, employees who have been employed long-term, be able to conceal fraud ingeniously. They know the business well.
· One third of the fraudsters has a directorship or management.
· In 45 percent of cases, the perpetrator of the company has a positive image. About 18 percent of the perpetrators turned out to not be such a best light.
· Still makes the fraudster. In total, 17 percent of offenders indicated that he committed fraud because it was easy.
About 25 percent of medium and large organizations in the Netherlands is due to last two years had a cybercrime incident. Yet almost no organization took some structural measures after an incident. The visibility of the work of cybercriminals rose last year. Not only by the number of known attacks, but also by the great impact. The awareness is still low in many organizations. At only 16 percent of medium businesses survive the subject information. by Tjerk de Vries Photo: ANP / Metro
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