Fraud migrants formerly mostly ask students by non-resident student at a false address his new fathers and address fraud in attendance.
After the birth of their child, they write on paper with their partner so that the woman can reap all kinds of single parent discounts.
This form of address fraud is increasingly being identified, the report shows nationwide Approach Address Quality commissioned by the Interior Ministry. Since last year, the government is actively investigating this type of fraud. Apparently, appeared the twelve addresses visited in 2015 to be given the wrong address in almost five thousand cases. This costs the government estimated that between 7 and 14 million in wrongly granted benefits, allowances or uncollectible fines and taxes.
Housing fraud
In eleven months, were (in 329 cases) almost daily parents tracked down who have settled in different locations around the birth of their offspring. "Fathers rent in these cases another house below, register with their parents while they continue living together or 'buy' an illegal address via Marketplace," said a ministry spokesman.
This kind of apparent abandonment shows itself more and more, Minister Plasterk wrote in a letter to parliament. "We have to show that this can not and does not pay by continuing to fight it."
On the website of the tax, we make a test calculation for a single mother (30) with a baby. She continues 20 hours a week for 18,000 euros per year. She uses child care during the day for 60 hours per month. Her basic rent including service costs 695 euros. They will receive:
Rentals: 293 euros per month. Because the child can be counted as inmate may result in a higher rent allowance.
Childcare allowance: 384 euros per month
Care allowance: 83 euros per month (for a couple, this is 158 euros)
Child budget: In addition to the child who receives all (790 euros per year for one child) family with a child can make this year claim a child budget of up to 1032 euros per year. But if you are a single parent than this amount nearly tripled to Euro 3050 with an income of no more than 19 657 euros. The fraudulent set so unjustly receives 2018 euros.
All of the above added together will receive the 'single' mother: 1080 euros per month. This would turn out lower in a family situation because the partner's income is included.
And then the church are of course still pays fees to (single) minimum with children. Is the example above an Amsterdam, they have inter alia the right to:
Stadspas: The CityPASS can Amsterdammers on low incomes enjoy activities and excursions in the area of culture, sport and recreation.
Pupils Compensation: With this amount of money to school, sports and cultural activities are paid as textbooks and contribution of sports clubs. Also can be applied for travel expenses to and from school.
Jeugdsportfonds: Is the school fee is insufficient, then there is the Youth Sports Fund. The maximum amount for dues and sports equipment that will be paid is 225 euro per year.
Youth Culture: The Youth Cultural pay tuition fees for example singing or drama with a maximum of 450 euros per year. by: Anne-Fleur Peln Photo: ANP: Colourbox
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