Children, sometimes as young as 12, who has been using drugs. And not 'just' hash or weed, but ecstasy, speed and / or cocaine. That image was last night outlined in RTL Late Night by journalist Danny Ghosen who visited the Twente Vroomshoop for his new TV show.
Ghosen met include former addict Kim Schoemaker, who now again lives in nearby Westerhaar. She said she was four years of the CCP, when she lived in 'hotspot' Vroomshoop. "At the height of my addiction, I took every three hours, even at night. Just to sleep, in order to use, in order to function."
Also, anorexia
Kim arrived at the age of 16 into contact with hashish and weed and started around her 24th GHB. "At that time I also had anorexia. So yes, there was already something wrong. But why exactly I started with it? I have no idea. Maybe to belong to a group."
She did not actually use it, she said. "First I thought.. I'm not going because you get control of yourself and your body rid But I'm still with it come into contact at some point and it just felt very comfortable."
Child into the abyss
Kim fell into a serious addiction that drove her father to despair. RTL Late Night images were shown from "Danny is looking for trouble ', the new program Ghosen. In it, the father of Kim says he has fallen ten kilograms when his daughter was in trouble. "And I've ever been in the car and I thought 'I'll get that tree but then I'm off everywhere" You just look. Your child into the abyss to go. "
Also his daughter lied about her problem. "They promised not to use, but an hour or two later I heard 'she walks at the fair. She used again." Yes, it did me a lot of heartache. "
Information important
Kim has stopped using drugs. Unlike many children from Vroomshoop who spoke Ghosen. They tell him - unrecognizable in pictures - about what they have taken zoal "GHB, ecstasy, speed, hashish, marijuana, everything."
Kim went six years ago the button for her son, who is now 11 years. "And that's an age when it's important that he gets education," says Kim. Moreover, the boy grows up in a risk area, she outlines. "The drug problem is a problem of the whole municipality Twenterand actually. That is widely used. It just so what group you end up, which determines whether you are going to use it or not." Photo: RTL
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