Tenants with low incomes will receive on July 1 with a limited rent increase. Some landlords even see entirely on an increase for low-income
The Woonbond to that conclusion on the basis of contacts with local tenants' associations and confirmed Wednesday a report on this in the AD. This month are told tenants of housing associations what looks like their new hire is on 1 July.
The advocate for tenants is pleased with the development, but says that the reduction of the rent is not so strange. "This follows from the social rental agreement we signed last year with the dome of corporations Aedes," said a spokesman.
He adds that despite "many households can not make ends meet. That is not immediately resolved with a moderate increase in rent." In addition, the middle renting it difficult, and there remains room to ask for higher rents.
The new rent policy is that the total rent increase for low-income of a corporation may not exceed 1 percent. The government argues that the rents of social housing here may rise up to 2.1 percent.
Vestia is one of the corporations that have in store no rent increase for some of the people with social housing. This involves households - mostly new tenants - who pay more rent than their neighbors, so it was decided in consultation with the tenants council Vestia. The majority of households in social housing this corporation gets a rent increase of 1.25 percent.
http://www.trouw.nl/ Photo: Reuters
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