Sometimes, just sometimes, there are times when someone is on trial and that person you would most like to reward rather than punish would want for what he or she has done.
Yet judges usually follow the rule that people who have done something illegal, punishable. Except judge Jonathan Durham Hall.
He saw a teenager in the court stood trial because she had stabbed a pedophile in his home in Bradford. The girl was on her eighth abused by the man. On her 14th she took revenge and they stabbed him in his own house.
Although there are extenuating circumstances, imprisonment would be a logical consequence. But not before Judge Hall. He stated in court that he "would find shame as a survivor if you had to go to jail" one, writes The Telegraph.
After he learned that life of the girl had been destroyed at the age of 8 after she was sexually assaulted, he ruled that they previously entitled to a reward than a punishment. He does not want the girl to start paying compensation to the victim: "And if they force you to, I pay it myself," he ruled. Moreover, he offered to pay the bill, the court will impose on her.
The teenager stepped in November last year, the residence of the then 56-year-old pedophile inside. They stabbed him and then turned himself in to the police. There they declared the right to have taken into their own hands, after the man had been bullied and harassed, but a free man the courtroom had ended.
That was the judge a plausible reason to stabbing the man down: "Why did you stab this man? Because he serious sexual offenses committed against you in 2009 when you were 8 years old. He is by the court, in retrospect, punished too lenient. But things have changed; in similar cases are now given appropriate punishment, "he assured her.
The pedophile was stabbed incidentally saved lives because paramedics were quickly on the spot. He ended up in intensive care and needed blood transfusion, but he survived the attack though. By: Jurgen van der Hoeven Photo: Daily Mail U.K
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