AMSTERDAM - Not just made in secondary schools there are limits to children who appear 'too sexy' dressed in the classroom.
At Catholic school's Paradise in The Hague has clear rules: girls who wear makeup or tops with spaghetti straps, are excluded.
"If I think the dress of a student does not fit within the standards of decency in school I call the parents," says director Nieke Shelter-Klint in the AD.
With its strict dress code except the director, the students will also take the staff to himself in protection. ,, Girls are in Group 5, 6 sometimes female forms without having by their relevant feelings can loosen in some men. I do not want to get into a situation where a master overlooks the entire day without bra girls in tight shirts. As parents accuse him of peeping, you have no defense. That fight you always lose as a teacher. "
Pupils from Stanislas College in Delft went Tuesday to protest in shorts and jerseys navel to school. This frustration about the letter sent to the director of the school to the parents of his pupils. The director mailed last week "when the students (and staff) no shorts / skirts and short jumpers" to want to see.
Last month, they were even female officials in Amsterdam Nieuw-West of their team leader could not wear short skirts and knee boots. By: Editor Telegraph Picture: Reuters
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