The case against a man accused of attempted murder of a police officer, has been canceled. The suspect has itself namely hanged in his cell, as confirmed Austrian authorities according to The Local.
The lawyer Amyn Gindia Radwan said that the man was in jail in 2014 after a firefight. He said it was a shootout attempt Gindia to suicide by being shot by police. He opened himself the fire and hoped the police would then shoot him.
Gindia was already convicted in March 1992 for a double murder of Turkish arms sales in 1987 and an agent in 1989. In November 2014 he was set free. Three months later he committed a botched robbery at a shopping center in Vienna.
In the ensuing firefight he was three meters have fired a shot at a cop, but missed.Conscious, as argued his lawyer; he would rather be shot than he would end up back behind bars.
But he went only minor injuries, ended up in cell and was awaiting his case: "He got help from a psychologist, there was no visible danger," said a spokeswoman for the prison where was Gindia. by Jurgen van der Hoeven Photo: Police
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