A 5-year-old boy has brilliantly motherhood recorded in one photo. The boy made a sensitive snapshot of his mother holding her youngest daughter with flu in the shower.
The girl, Summer, had days suffering from flu. She was exhausted, like her mother, who was already busy days taking care of her baby. When the girl of 20 months back had coughed all night, mother Kelli Benni Star saw no other option than to take the girl in the shower, so the mother tells her Facebook .
"Despite the fatigue my maternal instinct to hit. I decided to sit with her in the shower, with the warmth and the calm sound of the drops. She was quiet within minutes. "This is the moment that enters the eldest son of Kelli and despite his young age wants to capture the particular scene on camera.
Although the time course is beautiful, Kelli describes it as "one of the worst moments of motherhood." The Australian woman, who blogs about motherhood was at this time all the way through. "It's a situation where you as a parent going through. That moment where no one can prepare you for. You want to do everything to make your child a little better. Every tear and every cry causes your heart breaks a little more. "
Kelli has long doubted whether she wanted to put the photo, but decided to do it eventually."This is real. Pure and raw. It gives so wonderful the bond between mother and child again.The photo is very special to me. "
http://www.metronieuws.nl/nieuws/ by Esther Zandberg Photo: Facebook / The Barefoot Mum
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