That they are currently stuck in Turkey seems for columnist Ebru Umar no reason to her show to moderate. In her first column since she was arrested Saturday, Umar hard forward to Dutch people.
According to her who have ensured that they are not allowed to leave the country. "Congratulations on your total failed Dutch nationality", writes Umar inhaar column in Metro.
"Congratulations on your loyalty to a bunch of mountain goats from Turkey, goat fuckers so you want, that you follow as soon as they call for NSB-behavior. Any idea what a Loes Luca was? O wait no, those lessons about World War II are deleted, eh? Yes, thanks for the road with us. I congratulate you Nederturken with your NSB-behavior. You are the reason I stuck in Turkey. "
Overtime it owes in her column also family, friends and colleagues for all the support and the editors-in-Chief that run overtime to get me to ' Netherlands '. "They work, so that you can Rob of all liberties Netherlands where also your parents have a life devoted to it," concludes Umar.
By RTL News Photo: REUTERS
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