On a number of sections of the health care institution depends on an atmosphere of fear and intimidation among the employees. This is stated in a research of basic & Policy, commissioned by trade union CNV.
,, In some teams there has been harassing behavior by executives ' ', say the researchers.
Cain, active in the regions Zeist and Veenendaal, has approximately 1400 employees. In addition, there are about 1500 volunteers for the organization.
Increased surveillance Henk Prins, ceo at Cain, says the conclusions of the research. ,, It hurts to read that the care group due to various causes, not for everyone a safe place to work '', said the Director. According to him, are working on creating more space for more clarity, openness and responsibility of employees.
The care group, formed from a merger in 2009, has a troubled history. Four years ago, for a period of six months subject to increased surveillance published by the Dutch health care Inspectorate. This was because there was structurally unsafe with medicines. In that period, the company also faced with financial shortages and unrest among the staff by an unclear race.
By: The Associated Press/Photo: Cain
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