The Bijlmerbajes is sold in its entirety along with the surrounding land and houses occupied service to a developer.
Prison Village, the artists' village around the old company houses at the prison, is thereby evacuated possible. The plans of the artists wanted to establish a cooperative living here are thus totally undermined.
This spokesman Frank Wassenaar of the National Real Estate Company, the earlier RGD who owns notified Tuesday afternoon. "The prison grounds is a district where walked the plan for jail Village is not guaranteed," says Wassenaar.
Buyer may deplete all
The same applies to the distinctive towers of the prison. "If the developer is chosen to break down the towers and the service homes and to leave the people is that there freely. Does the buyer it all nicely, then continue it."
On the land where the prison complex of seven hectares of state should be a minimum of one thousand houses and a school. "The terrain should preferably accommodate nesting sites, as can be seen in the Principles Note. In theory there too Jail Village may fall under, but final, there is nothing about captured on agreed.
The spokesman of Land and Development, formerly Grondbedrijf of the church confirms jail Village "is co-acquired" the property. She reports that Amsterdam still was enabled by the State Real Estate Company has been able to purchase the premises, but she was not interested in that. Was that done, the city had more able to express their own stamp on the future of the area.
Nelly Duijndam, Councillor of the Amsterdam Socialist Party, has always endeavored to preserve Jail Village. They also visited the village several times. "I am shocked by this result," she told Tuesday. "I'm going to ask about writing set. I think that the church, which thus propagates the advent of housing cooperatives, here a little more carefully can handle it."
The neighborhood around the prison has room for at least 135.000m2 floor. More than seventy percent of which must consist of homes. This was decided because the city most in need of housing, the spokeswoman said.
The note submitted on May 19 to residents. In July, the Amsterdam city council will decide on the plans. The area will then selling via
By: TON DAMEN AND DAVID UNEN / Het Parool Photo: Rink Court
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