Already five months ago government, the province and municipalities were firm agreements on new reception places for asylum seekers. That 'net' which hardly produced, observed this month, the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (Coa). How is that possible?
Jacques Tichelaar, commissioner of the king in Drenthe, is a member of the National Council consultation in charge of finding adequate places for newcomers. He sees that different drivers take a "to wait and see attitude" towards fulfilling promises.
Your consultation has not had success, why?
"Indeed, we must ensure that when we promise something, we did go in front, but there are always other topics that cycling between municipalities allow themselves distracted To give an example:.... The debate on small shelter We agreed . in the Administrative 200 people in one shelter place is the lower limit Then a mayor who says, I prefer four times 50 people in different places in my town.
"Yes, I think, that's wonderful, but that is also four times more expensive is. Because it's security arranged, schools, medical care, you name it. And who pays for it? So then, the debate about the need for more money from the government are all logical, but I say. we will go out sometimes perform what we agreed? "
Such debates are implementing the agreement in the way?
"Let it be clear: there's been working hard since the agreement There are control tables come where provinces and municipalities discuss locations to capture and houses asylum seekers where permit holders can relocate have been added new places, but there are also disappeared.. . Those tasks we have taken upon ourselves, with 2,500 new sites per province and 500 per security region in 2016, that job still needs to be done.
"Time is pressing and municipalities also have many more properties to make available for licensees So I say.. Municipalities, sit back now do not go to work."
Why do they sit back?
"That may be to anywhere. The reception of asylum seekers is a complicated task for municipalities, I understand perfectly well. But now it's back to the Spring Memorandum which it comes and where possible more money for the reception is pretty.
Let's then just wait and see, it sounds quickly. Whether it is the uncertainty about what is going to happen in Turkey and Greece. The influx of asylum seekers to the country is sharply gone, we now have about 400 per week, in autumn 4000. So we had then some drivers think: oh, it's not so bad.
"But if the route is transferred to Libya, then the inflow again quite up And we do not again drive around with buses when we actually do not know where to bring these people to.."
By: Editor's Wedding / Photo: ANP
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