Two years after the European elections of May 2014, there is still no monitoring of the thick 4.000 Euro office expenses will be reimbursed up to each member every month.
The majority of the parliament does not want to have, say advocates transparency Dennis de Jong (SP) and Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy (D66).
Recently, Secretary-General Klaus Welle dismissed their subsequent application to control the office expenses of all 751 MPs. His argument: ,, For this I have 40 to 75 people need extra staff, and that is contrary to the desire to reduce our administration. "
On repeated requests to then put on a smaller scale control, random or focused on the larger items of expenditure, Welle responding. De Jong and Gerbrandy today want to force him to do so with an unprovoked mood.
On holiday
The cost allowance of 4,320 euros per person per month for paper clips, pens and printing paper as well as for bigger things such as ICT and rent and furnishing of an office.Newspapers and telephone are also included.
But because it is not defined exactly what is and is not allowed and there is no control, parliamentarians can with impunity go on looking for a bar or on vacation or - as Dutch parliamentarians did in the previous period - a pack of purchase or mortgage payment .
The more than 4,000 euros in addition to the eight grand salary, or controlled travel and staff fees and a fee of 300 euros per meeting day which already gets each MEP.
SP Euro-MP De Jong, who are thick 51 mille mille return on average each year 30, and D66'er Gerbrandy, which gave back 25 mille in 2014, do not believe that today they are going to change the situation. ,, The southern countries as well as Germany, do not want to have. The major parties - the Christian and Social Democrats - also when it comes out, "say the two.
And why should they? ,, Outside the Netherlands, Britain and the Scandinavian countries, the politics is not an issue, "said Gerbrandy.
Meanwhile, there is refunded little money. Of the 38.9 million that was disbursed in 2014 plunged 22 MPs together 548 463 euros return. Another six were not entitled to their compensation, according to figures from the parliament itself.
More than seven hundred MEPs, so did the need to discuss anything without a receipt.Defined figures for other years were yesterday.
Two years ago, even though the AD dedicated in campaign time an article to the uncontrolled office expenses. In the meantime, nothing changed. Chances are that the article in 2019 as weather can in the newspaper. ,, Control, transparency, samples, sharper criteria - all we ask is rejected, "said De Jong and Gerbrandy.
By: Frans Boogaard / editor AD / Photo: ANP
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