The obligation to seek work for unemployed people over 60 should disappear. This will, among others, labor sociologist Jan Cremers from the University of Tilburg. He speaks of a general amnesty for the elderly. The CNV believes that there should be more flexible rules for the elderly. They think of a tailor seniors pardon.
Who is older than sixty years and receives dismissal comes after the WW visit the IOW. In this arrangement older unemployed do not have to eat up their savings or some of their own home before they receive full benefits. But older people do, like young unemployed are obliged to apply for and accept a suitable job. Those who do not, get a lower payment as a punishment.
Many of the rules and obligations are useless for the elderly, says Cremers. "Take away the frustration of having to constantly have to apply again without result due to give people the opportunity to no longer be available."
The chairman of the CNV Professionals, Peter Fortune, thinks that an exemption for certain groups of older works better. He draws the line already at 55 years. "Then the prospect of work is reduced. Therefore, we find that over-55s who volunteer or carer, exemption from the obligation to seek work should be able to get."
His CNV Professionals will also find that people over 55 mini-course - be able to take without falling directly under all kinds of restrictive rules - a paid position for a few hours each week.
Apply once a quarter
Experts find the CNV that the rules should not be applied too rigidly in the elderly. How to find Joop Schippers Utrecht University which authorities may relax the rules as "someone arguably his best has found work done, but never was invited despite the hundred cover letters Then say. Apply once a quarter is enough, then he or she can. in the rest of the time doing volunteer work. "
But volunteering should not be a license to evade the obligation to seek, says Schippers.Therefore, customization of bodies such as the UWV so important. "They need to look at individual circumstances. Yes, they may squint one eye in the elderly, but in a reasoned, to individualized way."
Extraordinary professor of labor relations Paul de Beer of the University of Amsterdam sees something in the amnesty, but unlike Cremers. "The elderly have few prospects Is she not be active behind the pants to apply to me happens incidentally, not too practical point of view is to defend a relief well, but there is also a psychological effect,... It is as if it's fine that older unemployed sit at home. With a kind of amnesty, I would be very careful. "
wrong timing
The amnesty does Cremers to the 61 years and older. Which according to him victim of bad timing policies. Plans are being made for abolishing early retirement and increasing retirement age in the years before the crisis. When experts thought the staff would still be scarce. It was different, and dismissed the elderly could no longer flee into early retirement schemes, as it is elsewhere in Europe. As a result, the unemployment rate among the elderly in the Netherlands is higher than the overall unemployment rate. Which is unique in Europe.
"The danger of a full exemption is that people like to see a law," said Schippers in response to the proposal of Cremers. "Then will they think if I get fired on my 61th, I do nothing, creating the danger that employers and employees strike a bargain and massively dismiss the elderly, such as in the eighties.."
By: Marco Visser / Wedding Editorial Photo: Reuter
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