The 38-year-old Dutchman Aydin C. Friday must appear in court because of making and distributing child pornography.
C. is on trial for making child pornography and extorting tens of underage boys and girls, including through social media. His most famous victim was the 15-year-old Amanda Todd from Canada, which in 2012 committed suicide after C. pictures had spread of her bare breasts on Facebook.
Netherlands, for years as the country done the most reports of child pornography. In 2015 Meldpunt received 25 347 reports in, an increase of 54 percent over the previous year. How is it that the Netherlands have the dubious honor is at the forefront of this kind of messages?
Figures from INHOPE, the global network of hotlines shows that almost a third of the reported material on servers Dutch state. "In the Netherlands we have a good digital infrastructure and relatively large data centers," says Sarah Fox Child Abuse Hotline. "That in itself is positive, but also ensures in this case a negative 'catch' in the form of criminal websites."
However, this does not, according to De Vos that all the child also of Dutch origin. "It says nothing about the origin of the material, so about who made it or who the website. The fact that many child pornography on Dutch state servers, has nothing to do with the child here is more popular or more child abuse than in other countries. "
Child pornography, most people think of anonymous networks that distribute their material in as anonymous as possible. However, it appears from the case of Amanda Todd that social media play an increasingly important role in the spread of child pornography and cyber bullying will often goes hand in hand. Meldpunt speaks of sextortion: men entice young people to Webcam and then squeeze them off: the images thrown on social media, unless the victim a large sum of money to make.
"Regarding sextortion, we mainly see an increase in the number of reports of (young) adult men who thus have to" go Fox continued. "Yet it is hard to say whether this form of child pornography is growing, because the scattered images is not always to see if there issextortion or grooming . "
It is important that parents keep finger on the pulse when it comes to Internet use of their children, to prevent them from becoming victims of child pornography. So Fox encourages parents to ask questions about Internet use of their children, or to change their privacy settings so that their online profile is well protected.
"Be interested in the online life of your child, just as you are interested in what your child did at school," concludes De Vos. "That way a child feels safe also quicker to report it to you if something goes wrong."
Need more information about child pornography or sextortion? On the site of Help WantedYou can find more information.
By: Editorial / Sophie Moerman / Metro News Photo: Reuters
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