,, PvdA leader Diederik Samson have to write an essay about his new vision of education, but a plan in Parliament and submit to his education minister. '' Thus, a spokesman for the General Education Union (AOb) responds to the new educational ideas of the Labour Party.
Samson published Saturday essay The New School. In it he does explained how education should look like in the future in the Netherlands. So teachers should be given more time to prepare for classes and children should learn from their second all play. The school should be able to give more hours and multiple levels of education should be offered in high schools.
The piece is launching with Erik the Labour leader 't Same, director of Hugo Grotius School in Rotterdam South. He made according to the Labour Party to similar measures have school again one of the best. Before that it was one of the worst schools in the Netherlands.
Action to the word
The AOb ,, can best come to an end '' in the Labour plans to open include comprehensive schools in order to counteract the division in education. ,, It all sounds very nice, but the Labour government now has a large group and it's just how it looks after the elections. The AOb would like to encourage the Labour Party to join the word to the action immediately and to submit plans that are a translation of the vision of education. ,, In short, make direct work. ''
Recently the Education Inspectorate concluded that children are not given the same opportunities. That is partly because highly educated parents are more involved with the education of their child. Possibly, teachers and school leaders also called prejudices and have children of highly educated parents more opportunities. The Social and Cultural Planning Office recently showed that increasing differences, Samson and write Van 't Same.
By: Editors AD / Reuters Photo: Remko de Waal.
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