Arms Dealer Koen B. (30) was also sentenced on appeal to four years in prison. That means the Gouwenaar who was awaiting the verdict in freedom, must return to jail.
B. today heard the court in The Hague to express the same punishment as had previously been the court : 4 years in prison. The prosecution had demanded seven years since B. except trade in arms had also prepared a bank robbery. Although all the facts declared proven, the court did not go into the higher penalties.
The Gouwenaar ran in 2011 in the fall by an action of crime journalist Peter R. de Vries.That act showed an employee of him with B. and filmed as how he sold weapons. He did include a fully automatic Glock 17 with silencer and an MP40 machine gun. When B. wanted to make a machinegun at the car park Andel along the A12, the net closed around him and he was arrested by the police warned beforehand.
During both the trial and the appeal, however, he denied that he had intended to Rabobank in Capelle aan den IJssel, where he worked himself to rob . Across an employee of Peter R. de Vries, he stated that he had concrete plans for such an attack.
After the court had sentenced him went to imprisonment for four years both he and the Public Prosecutor appealed. Since taking also was assigned an application for waiver of his detention, he was allowed to await the appeal of freedom. Now he is again sentenced to four years in prison, minus the time he has already been detained, he must return to prison.
By: Editors AD / Martijn Rip Photo: Video Still
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