Fierce is the Zwijndrechtse Riekie Bakker (69). Her scooter rides since a repair only 12 kilometers per hour instead of 17. The speed appears limited commissioned by Social Services.
Baker, who was very infirm and suffering from health problems, fed as a plug. The scooter is her only outing: ,, I went sometimes to Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht. That is just too far. Then I get too cold. ''
She has her scooter on loan from the Social Services. The vehicle fell off for repair and then stopped at unfortunate times. They blocked once unintentionally lift.
That was reduced to repair the speed, came as an unpleasant surprise. ,, My own contribution to the WMO has almost doubled, and for that I get less domestic help and a slower scooter. ''
Maintenance Medipoint let her know that the mission of the congregation came and that other scooters are also in line for a speed limiter. The Social Services confirmed that it is so for over a year because of the safety of the disabled and its surroundings. ,, There are many complaints about the speed of scooters. Remember that people also drive it by shops, '' said spokesman Mark Benjamin.
Law may scooters on the sidewalk no faster than 6 kilometers per hour drive. On bike paths in urban areas is 30 kilometers per hour and allowed on the roadway 45. Benjamin: ,, The people who have mobility scooters only on loan. We have as a landlord interest that they remain whole. ''
Bakker is indignant: ,, Of course there are people who like brutes away, but I just always get compliments that I drive so neat. '
good speed
The social service sees no further problems limiting: ,, A scooter is intended to replace walking. Then 12 kilometers still a good speed. '' Bakker is still overtaken by scootmobielers without limitation, run by people who buy their own vehicle.
According to director René Martens Medi Point handle more local speed limits. Safety is not the only reason: ,, A mobility scooter which may be less harsh, is cheaper, even in maintenance '.
By: Editors AD / Peter Koster Photo: Milan Rinck
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