Women who do not have breasts by a deviation and breast prostheses wish should be able to go from 2017 to their health care provider.
This should be compensated in the basic package of health insurance. At least, that recommends Care Institute Netherlands.
Minister Edith Schippers (Health) made Tuesday. In June they will come up with a position. The remuneration of the prostheses can also apply to transgender people. The expansion of the package is estimated each year up to 341,000 euros for the prosthetics.
There is also talk of eyelid surgery. At an upper eyelid surgery should be a serious restriction of the visual field are acquired by a weakening or paralysis of the upper eyelids.In total, it cost 9.6 million euros to keep the top eyelid in the basic package.
By: Editors Metro / Subway & Reuters / Photo: Colourbox
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