Turkey has made impressive steps to meet the conditions for visa liberalization with the European Union and thus allowed Turks from July without a visa to travel through Europe
So says the vice-president of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans. Timmermans is still work to be done and has not yet fulfilled all the conditions, but the developments are moving in the right direction.
European leaders and Turkey agreed on March 18 away to abolish the visa obligation for Turkey and Turkey would meet all the 72 previously set conditions. The agreements were part of the so-called swap plan, which Turkey would take back refugees from Europe and Europe in return would take Syrian refugees.
"If Turkey continues in the same energetic manner, I am confident that soon all conditions are met," said Timmermans. There are five problems about. Thus, Turkey has yet to adopt laws to combat corruption. It should also be entered into a cooperation agreement with Europol and should be agreed on cooperation in the field of justice. Finally Turkey has yet to adopt laws to combat terrorism and make it possible to share information with the EU.
Timmermans reiterated that the locks are not open put. "There just people coming to Europe with a very secure biometric passports. There are pictures, which meet international standards, fingerprints and other special features. That makes it very safe," said Timmermans.
By: NOS Editors / Photo: Reuters
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