The Dutch municipalities should be given more room to raise taxes itself. That money of their citizens, they can then spend on their own local policies without interference from the government.
The independent Council for Financial Relations, which government and parliament provides solicited and unsolicited advice, today said in a report that the current funding of municipalities has become obsolete.
Although most citizens are especially annoyed by the amount of local property tax (property tax) and parking fees, which constitute municipal attacks no 3.5 percent of the total amount they must pay in taxes. By far the largest amount collected by the government through eg tax and VAT on goods.
It will be paid back 26 billion in the Municipalities. On the basis of a complicated calculation key with sixty characteristics is that amount then again distributed between the municipalities, with population plays a role, whether or not to prevent from a historical core, as well as the soil conditions, the length of waterways within the city limits and the location.In short, everything that money can cost counts when determining the payment to the municipality.
Can not continue
According to the council can not continue. The municipalities still have to take over the functions of the government, especially in the field of healthcare and social support, and in those tasks discretion. So may determine a municipality or get a local support from social workers of flesh and blood, or equipment can help. But this discretion is limited because local authorities do not themselves have access to the money, but get perks.
Another disadvantage of the distribution of monies from the Municipalities is that the system is based on the fact that all the municipalities are equal, and thus have to be financed in the same way. In reality, differences municipalities precisely: one is located in the growing Randstad, the other in an empty ongoing contraction area. This calls for different policies, so also a different use of money.
Thirdly, the council calls the regional cooperation between municipalities. Cities attract more and more together, while the various councils can not control anymore what happens to their local budgets at regional level. Therefore lacks democratic control over the spending of public money.
new system
Therefore, according to the advisory body of the government for a new system that strengthens local democracy. Currently, each resident of a municipality over eighteen indeed vote but do not pay any municipal taxes citizen. That may change, says the council.
Municipalities must in future will levy a fixed and substantial amount of "residents tax" on every adult resident. To charge with no more tax, payroll tax by the government should be decreased. With discretionary municipal tax money Zwolle and Groningen can then decide whether there is a new swimming pool or the street furniture will be addressed in the center.
Political parties in the city council may include in their programs the choices they face, so that local taxpayers can take into account in the elections with it. In this way, citizens know better where their tax money is going, and that leaves involvement in local politics increase.
The council asks its report this month reactions to local authorities, in the autumn following the final opinion to the Cabinet.
By: Wedding Editors: Hans Marijnissen Photo: Reuters
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