AMSTERDAM - The 29-year-old Melvin E. must, NIS and AT5, the name of IS three years in jail because of sending threatening letters to the editors of De Telegraaf.
"In the name of Allah Akbar! I report to you that we are past weekend explosives placed at five locations in the Netherlands. "That sent Melvin E. on July 13, 2015 to the editors of De Telegraaf, the NIS and AT5. He demanded in the name of IS ten million. "Is not: Kaboom" wrote E. Ten days later, E., arrested at Schiphol. He had sent his threats from China.
Although the threats were not too taken seriously, the Amsterdam mayor Eberhard van der Laan and the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism been informed. The bombs would go off in offices, according to E. Gustav Mahler Avenue, Spaklerweg and in two places in Diemen. It was also demanded that imprisoned Syriëstrijders would be released. "We do not negotiate, there are enough fighters lost."
Child pornography
The Amsterdam court sentenced E. the threat on behalf of IS and causing unrest and insecurity. It is also alleged that he obstructed the functioning of public services. That was not the only thing for E. was sentenced; He also had a large amount of child pornography possession. In 2007, the former businessman already convicted in the sex and gokbranche for possession of child pornography.
By Editorial Telegraph: com / Photo: Peter Schoonen
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