53 people Friday by the Brussels public prosecutor filed a complaint against Interior Minister Jan Jambon and eerrroof for defamation and incitement to hatred. The reason for these complaints is the verdict of Jan Jambon about the reaction of some of the Muslim population in the attacks on 22 March.
The minister said that had danced a significant proportion of Muslims in the street. "From a minister who should be responsible for our safety, you are expected to do no statements that stigmatize and incite hatred," say the initiators of the complaint.
"Many people were quite shocked by that complaint," said lawyer Marie-Pierre de Buisseretlaan, which collects some of the complaints. "Quite liked what citizens something they could not let it pass and has called for a collective of Muslims to file a complaint, a call that got a lot of audience, even with non-Muslims."
"It's a way to remind the minister to the law," said lawyer Selma Benkhelifa. "Even though inciting hatred commonplace within his party, it is still forbidden. Belgium was very traumatized by the attacks and to hold a religious minority was just glad it is stigmatizing against that minority and incites hatred against them. The fact that it would plainly is not true, and that Jambon knew, only makes it worse. He creates a climate of distrust and suspicion against an entire community. "
The number of complaints is for the time being on the low side, promoters admit. "Many Muslims are afraid to be in their own name to take that step but support the action", says."In addition, people may later still make the move."
By Editorial Standard: by POJ | Source: Belga Photo: Belga
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