The Brussels Court of First Instance, the state imposed a penalty as a man who is in prison of Vorst in custody does not receive the necessary medical care. Reported master Alexander Hamels, the lawyer of the detainee.
"My client is staying with three people in a room of nine square meters, has been 11 days can not shower, sheets not changed, his clothes are not washed and cleaned out his cell," said the lawyer. "He has no contact with the outside world, the past 11 days have seen no outside air and can not even speak to his lawyer in most cases. There is no toilet paper in the cell and the sink is leaking, causing his mattress is wet, but the staff refused to repair.The detainees also get only once a day, a cold meal, with cold coffee. "
Complaints to the prison would be ignored and the police presence would make no effort to improve the situation. The detainee then stepped to the Brussels Court of First Instance.
"He has decided unilaterally petition that my client should be granted access on pain of a penalty to medical care, in part because he can ingest solid food and not being responsive to his requests for medical assistance," said master Hamels . "My client has asked a number of other requirements to ensure an end to the inhuman treatment he must undergo, but bends the judge on Monday."
By Editors The Standard Photo: BDW
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