Publicist Micha Kat must again answer Friday for a series of crimes. He is appealed find false bomb threats, slander, defamation, stalking, vandalism, defamation, sedition against the Golden Coach and denial of the Holocaust.
Cat was sentenced earlier. Victims of him include NIS chief Marcel Gelauff, Telegraph journalist Bart Mos and Elsevier journalist Gerlof Leistra.
The former employee of NRC is to go through the years believe in the strangest conspiracies. He is known for his fierce and unorthodox combat the abuse of accused former top official Joris Demmink. So he committed include a false bomb threat at the Ministry of Security and Justice and a law firm. A receptionist at the Ministry recognized the voice of Kat But as soon as he said 'Demmink to be delivered within an hour at the police station.Otherwise fall hundreds of deaths. "
Cat was in March 2013 for the long series of crimes, including characterizing the Holocaust as a hoax, sentenced to a prison sentence of 345 days, part suspended. Because he went against that conviction on appeal, he must now answer Friday back to the Court in Arnhem.
Golden Coach
Cat has a long summons to his name. He accused several journalists of being involved in child abuse. In 2011 he called readers of his website to honor the golden coach with "coins, food, rolls of toilet paper, toilet brushes and other useful things. According to the court was seditious in nature. The court also came in March 2013 to partially unconditional prison sentence, partly because the views of Cat ' deviate from the applicable standard, which is a real risk of recidivism.
On the run
It is almost certain that the publisher itself will not appear at his trial. He has since fled to Ireland. Although he has appealed, dare he claims not to come to the Netherlands. Cat is associated with a previous conviction required by law to cede his DNA, but do not want this.In a telephone response, he says to be afraid that the Prosecution him "will link to a murder."
During a previous trial had shown that Cat, according to his lawyer, suffer from anxiety disorders. The prosecution has indeed let him know that it will arrest the journalist as he lands at Schiphol. Micha Kat would therefore only come into their own words when he gets a "safe conduct" and his DNA does not have to relinquish.
According Cat all the lawsuits against him false and put in scene. The writer believes in a conspiracy against him. The government would want to silence him because he wrote critically on his website about the alleged abuse of young men by Joris Demmink.
Cat has long been inactive in the regular Dutch journalism. He was "expelled" as a member of the Dutch Association of Journalists (NEY) after a death threat directed at Telegraph journalist Bart Mos.
The publicist now manages from a budget hostel in Ireland a website where he regularly and without proof journalists and politicians links to child abuse. He also argues that the Dutch government both Theo van Gogh and Pim Fortuyn has brought to life. In 2015, he was still sentenced to a prison sentence of ten months because he was editor Marcel Gelauff NIS linked to child abuse.
Cat does not want to respond a day before the trial on his case. He has always said that it remains consciously from OM are lawsuits appealed to him powerless. On his blog, however, states that he wants to delay itself. He has his own lawyer to say given the order to make that possible, if necessary with a challenge. The Court in Arnhem has now decided Friday not to allow audiovisual recordings relating to the special nature of the case.
By Editorial: AD / Laurens Cook Photo: Powned
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