New Break with Labour Party chairman Hans Spekman That columnist Ebru Umar in hiding in the Netherlands and who threaten her go free is the bloedirrirant 'says PvdA chairman Hans Spekman. But the problem is much broader than just what goes around Umar. "It is a total intolerance for dissent."
Ebru Umar returned from Turkey, but in hiding in the Netherlands. Endangered need shelter, the destroyers go far freely. That's the world upside down.
"That's blood irritating. I've been there in Utrecht. Boys commit terror around and threaten people in their home. Eventually move to victims and the boys are not addressed. "
You refers to the gay couple that was teased out of their neighborhood in 2010.
"That's one example, but there are so many examples across the country where the perpetrators go unpunished."
Umar attacked on her columns. Freedom of the press and of expression is under attack. Are you worried about that?
"Whether it is a journalist or a politician, or a student who is threatened in school, which makes me not in principle. The threat must be respected and issued threats must feel the consequences. When we as a society do offer the safety of victims, with a new home and perhaps have an anonymous existence, but not the capacity to deal with the perpetrators, then this is going on. Sometimes it takes the people who get a lot of public attention, but it happens really in the whole society. It will hand over fist. "
Too little capacity, you say. Should politics free up more money for the detection and prosecution of offenders?
"I'm not in the House. My basic thesis is that something needs to change. Destroyers often go unpunished. And it's not just about threats towards journalists or politicians, but also anonymous business districts and high schools. If we do not oppose all together it becomes a kind of concrete decay in society.
Schools is also widely threatened?
"After I wrote on Facebook about bullying and threats, I entered into conversation with students in secondary schools. It is very common. Much is bullied and threatened via Whatsapp, Facebook and even more modern media. Often end up victims leave for another school. "
That is serious, but bullying is not a new phenomenon. A journalist who abscond must own country though.
"And I think very much. They should just do its work, whether people agree with her articles or not. As a government and as a society we need to do two things. One: more capacity and attention committed to hold the perpetrators. Two: enter the moral debate about the limits of this type of behavior. This goes much wider than Umar. It is a total intolerance for dissent.I've seen the repercussions. Many councilors and MPs are also threatened. Anyone who has a little protruding threatened upside down. "
Politicians should share their experiences?
'Yes I think so. Until now make far most politicians the choice not to do so for themselves.I'm glad Louis (Deputy Prime Minister Asscher, ed.) Argument then took it struck him on Facebook. MP Keklik (Yücel, ed.) Did this week
Yücel agitated as Turkish-Dutch parliamentarian against Turkish Dutch threatening her because she stood up for Umar. Are you worried about the Turkish-Dutch community?
"That's a completely different subject."
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