The air quality in the Netherlands does not satisfy the European standards, determined from Friends of the Earth. But whether Brussels intervene now? Elsewhere, the dirty air meter stores in the EU much higher.
1. Is the air in Amsterdam unhealthy?
Certainly. This week showed measurements of Friends of the outdoor 2015 in four of the ten surveyed streets of Amsterdam contained more nitrogen dioxide (NO2) than the European standard of 40 micrograms per cubic meter. And while the Netherlands must meet that standard since last year. A whole package of environmental measures, the National Air Quality Cooperation Programme (NSL), the Netherlands had received from Brussels postponement until 2015. The pollution has diminished, but not enough.
In the measurements of Milieudefensie, Valkenburgerstraat came (45) and the Stadhouderskade (46) well above the norm. And it must be said that air quality now is not healthy right away once these standards are met. Prolonged exposure to bad air costs us an average of one to two years of life.
2. Are the measurements of Friends of the Earth as a surprise?
It has long been hoped that the Netherlands is not always able to meet the NO2 limit in the coming years. Around the NSL is a system of measurements and calculations rigged making very precise and local measures and additional emission of particulates and NO2 are weighed against each other.
It Valkenburgerstraat and Stadhouderskade arrived emerge as places where the standard is not met. Friends of the Earth did so also about what they could expect an overrun of their 58 points.
In the measurements of Milieudefensie, Valkenburgerstraat came (45) and the Stadhouderskade (46) well above the norm. And it must be said that air quality now is not healthy right away once these standards are met. Prolonged exposure to bad air costs us an average of one to two years of life.
2. Are the measurements of Friends of the Earth as a surprise?
It has long been hoped that the Netherlands is not always able to meet the NO2 limit in the coming years. Around the NSL is a system of measurements and calculations rigged making very precise and local measures and additional emission of particulates and NO2 are weighed against each other.
It Valkenburgerstraat and Stadhouderskade arrived emerge as places where the standard is not met. Friends of the Earth did so also about what they could expect an overrun of their 58 points.
She drew for "persistent bottlenecks in Amsterdam and Rotterdam from sixteen million.Councillor Choho comes with environmental zones that old scooters, taxis and coaches in keeping off the A10, with zero-emission buses and charging points for electric cars. Old cars get no more parking.
At once apparent from the RIVM study Dijksma it was somewhat optimistic because of many borderline cases and the uncertainty that goes with it. Once thus statistically taken into account, is the number of expected exceedances fifteen times higher, the RIVM writes.
3. A little dirty is still dirty. EU engages in?
Which can. From Brussels compliance with the standard is closely monitored. The European Commission has already started proceedings against the United Kingdom, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Germany and France. If Member States shall take any additional measures, they can be dragged to the Court of Justice, such as Poland and Bulgaria already happened. This can result in hefty fines and penalties.
But it takes a while before Brussels moves. Only in September supplies Netherlands in the official report on 2015. Until then, the European Commission takes no action, says a spokesman.
4. In other EU Member States, the air is still much dirtier?
Holiday in Italian cities, you can easily come to that conclusion already come exhaust even harder in the heat. Around busy roads in cities like London and Paris, but also much further in much of cities like Milan beat the bad air yards out.
As densely populated country, the Netherlands does have a higher national average than most other countries. Relatively many Dutch are exposed to relatively dirty air, even though the standard is still here and there exceeded.
5. In the past, the city was worried about fines and a building freeze. We never hear about someone. How is that possible?
Fines EU certainly are possible, but all procedures that precede it may take as five to six years, according to Professor of Environmental Law, Chris Backes. In the meantime Netherlands can solve problems.
The risk of a freeze is much smaller since the arrival of the NSL, Backes explains. Therefore no longer need to be tested all construction projects individually to their impact on air quality.That makes them less vulnerable if the building permit is challenged.
6. Friends of the Earth threatened with a lawsuit against the state. Did that succeed?
Friends of the State summoned to meet the standards. If Dijksma unresponsive brings Milieudefensie a subpoena over a month. In court Milieudefensie will require Dijksma announced measures within three months so that the standard will be met everywhere within a year. England has had success the organization ClientEarth with such a claim.
Or Friends of the case will win in the long run remains to be seen. This procedure to the Supreme Court continue to be very costly, according to Backes. But in the meantime bring the lawsuit probably be closer to the objective. It is according to Backes obvious that the government is due to such a lawsuit with additional measures as proof that they take all steps that are reasonable and possible.
By Editors watchword: BART VAN sultry Photo: Reuters
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