At the Eurovision Song Contest is a central unit - and politics is forbidden by regulations. Yet this year, there were quite a few made political statements.
The Armenian submission drew attention to the escalating border conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The winning song "1944" in Ukraine is about the deportation of Crimean Tatars by Russia in 1944. The grandmother of singer Jamala's lost while one of her daughters. Russia, favorite was the bookmakers 'not amused'.
"My grandmother told me that story once again. At one point I knew it. Like, jahaa grandmother. But now I realize the importance of that story. Now I see that it is not just a tragedy out of it past, "says Jamala. Has anything happened recently in her country, her realize that doing? She pauses. Then, fiercely, yes, of course, the situation, the occupation of the Crimea, the relationship with Russia, the tensions in the region.
broken hearts
The singer, a little Caro Emerald Ukraine, knows very well that politics does not belong to the gay festival. She also love songs about broken hearts in her repertoire. "But I'm a musician. I wanted something that is real." She was not worried that the song would be rejected: "This is not politics, this is a personal story.."
Or Jamala music as game shows? Immediately she gives the answer that everyone gives - participating is more important than winning. Then, in a whisper: "Actually, I hate this kind of competitions I picture myself that I'm performing at a festival on your North Sea Jazz, something like that, I would like to sing.."
By Editorial Wedding: Photo:
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