Belgium and the American FBI have two weeks ago a joint investigation team to conduct the attacks ' set up to research in Brussels. ' That's a first in Europe ', stressed Federal Attorney Amit Verma Friday in the room.
' This has greatly helped us for a number of things ', said the topmagistraat. ' The Americans have internal-so not on the basis of international cooperation-many more possibilities than when a question to Belgium from abroad. This is a very concrete help. '
Of Lion had in particular to decipher encrypted messages and data. ' For example, some encryptions, about which I have so far always got the message: "that's impossible". All of a sudden it was possible to read that. I'm not going to go into detail, but I think this is clear enough. ' Or to the cracking of iPhones or reading WhatsApp messages went, he didn't want to get rid of.
Joint investigation team A week after the attacks was already known that the investigation into the attacks in Brussels supported by the FBI for sifting through mobile phones and hard drives. But since two weeks is an official joint investigation team ' with the FBI.
And that is a European first, said of Lion yet. The visit of Lisa Monaco to Belgium earlier this week served to see how cooperation can be worked out. Monaco is the Adviser of u.s. president Barack Obama for homeland security and counterterrorism.
After the attacks in Paris founded our country already has a joint investigation team on with the French.
By Editorial BELGA Photo: BELGA
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