The expectation was that he would have no chance of survival, because he is missing half of his brain and skull. So writes Daily Mail. But against all odds, celebrates baby Jaxon Emmett Buell now his first birthday.
When the doctors Jaxon's condition was discovered, to his parents, Brandon and Brittany Buell, asked if she wanted to abort the pregnancy. By his extreme brain deformities he would not even survive pregnancy. But the pair refused.
Meanwhile, Jax Strong, a nickname that Jaxon earned has on social media, one year old. His inspirational story excites many families in the United States and 90,000 people have already liked his Facebook page.
The DIAGNOSIS Jaxon was diagnosed with Anencephaly, a congenital abnormality in which a child is born without parts of the brain and the skull. The doctors were not sure how serious his condition would be if Jaxon was born at all. About one in 4859 babies in the United States is born with Anencephaly and usually die soon after birth. "At the second echo of seventeen weeks we were told that it was wrong. It took a while before the doctors had determined the exact diagnosis, "says the 30-year-old Brandon.
Since the torque is Christian, they refused an abortion and gave the little boy a chance. "We did everything we could to give him a chance to fight and all he's done since he was born, is fight back", Brandon his story continues. The miracle baby survived pregnancy and came through a cesarean section in the world.
Reality after an emotional roller coaster was at Jaxon then finally the proper diagnosis. The new medication eased his condition and made the child a lot happier. However, the parents wake up every day with the reality in their mind.
"I am very aware that every day could be his last day, tomorrow may Jaxon. I always try to stay positive, but sometimes that's hard because I know my baby probably asked dies ", let Brittany know.
In the meantime, colleagues from Brandon to the new page set up a ' GoFundMe ' to help parents with the expensive medications and additional costs for Jaxon. The support is growing by the day. "It's all been so overwhelming in a positive way! We came nowhere without anyone had seen his picture and called ' Hey, that's Jax Strong! "-his nickname! It is incredible how much impact Jaxon has on people.
Metro editors Zan Son photo: Twitter/@DailyMail
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