It is NS and the police for years a thorn in the eye: the handkerchief beggar on the train. They appear in waves and lately the weather plenty of touch. The motto is: give nothing, pass on, please notify.
Conductors call it again to: beggars frequently active, leave blank. The beggars, mainly from Romania, operate in groups. They lay handkerchiefs with a pathetic little note at you down and come back a little later to possibly to raise money.
Begging and keeping collections in public transport is punishable, but it is difficult to eradicate it in its entirety. NS and the police act jointly. "but if they see us often on a particular route, there is no guarantee that they disappear. Then dolls they again, on another line, "said a spokesman for the National Police Unit earlier.
The conductor must catch someone red-handed, but that rarely succeed. A few days ago encountered a ticket inspector on the train from Amsterdam to Haarlem on two Romanians who could show no valid transport ticket and identification. What turned out to be: they had already begged for multiple travelers.
At Haarlem station knew one of them the conductor on the side pushing and running away. As a result, there were Wednesday extra police checks in place on the train on the route Amsterdam-Haarlem. The police warn that it also prevents money from his or her wallet when someone picks, this moments later is rolled.
Travelers are irritated green and yellow to the beggars, evidenced by the many messages and photos of this on social media.
Metro Editors Anne-Fleur Pel Photo: REUTERS
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