A 21-year-old man from Enschede must if it is to the public prosecutor, two years prison and youth youth-tbs get for strangling his girlfriend, the 18-year-old Sandra Vega. The case against the suspect was treated Friday at the courthouse in Almelo.
Sandra was last year septembergewurgd in a forest near Enschede. She and the defendant had sex when they were arguing. The man had messages of her mobile phone erased, to prevent those who would forward to a girlfriend with whom he also had a relationship. He said it had been turning in blind rage Sandra's throat and left her in the forest.
Despite that he is mature, it demanded to have a youth criminal because the man according to experts are lagging behind in socio-emotional development and thinks if any of seventeen. Also he declared would be his.
Insufficient evidence for murder of z. is despite several indications are not indicted for murder. He would against a colleague in advance according to Tubantia have said he was going to kill a girl. He asked the person to dig a hole of four metres. The prosecution, however, that there is insufficient legal and convincing evidence is for murder.
During a struggle that emerged at the feud squeezed By Z. the throat of Sandra close, hard and long with his bare hands. Then he put her face right, made a photograph of her lifeless body with his phone and smearing her throat in with mud. To erase fingerprints, he said in the session.
By Editorial: AD/Haytze T Photo: Private Picture
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