Possible Afghan Taliban leader killed in air strike USA

Gepubliceerd op 22 mei 2016 om 09:16

The u.s. military has carried out air strikes Saturday on the Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour. Supposedly the Taliban leader killed.

Naamloos-743.pngThe Americans have carried out the attacks in a secluded area at the border of Afghanistan with Pakistan. That the Ministry of Defense announced.

President Barack Obama has given the command to carry out the attacks. According to the Ministry of Defence is there on the results of the military action later more well-known.

Death according to American officials, it is likely that the Taliban leader has not survived the attack. The attack was carried out with drones on a vehicle containing presumably Mansour.

The Taliban denied Saturday night in a Twitter message that Mansour is killed. Coverage according to the movement "false and unfounded". Sunday morning news agency AP reports that the death of Mansour is confirmed by a high leader of the terrorist group.

According to the Pentagon attacks Mansour was active in the preparation of attacks against security forces and civilians in Afghanistan.

"Mansour was an obstacle to peace and reconciliation between the Afghan Government and the Taliban," said the Pentagon in a statement. Mansour would be discouraged Taliban leaders to participate in talks.

Omar Mansour was in July last year elected new leader of the Taliban. Before that, was Mullah Mohammed Omar to head for a long time, until he died in 2013.

About the whereabouts and the life of Omar existed long time ambiguity. As the Taliban has the death of the leader for years concealed.

By: URReuters/NU.nl photo: AFP

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