Samsom calls pronunciations Zijlstra on refugees unwise

Gepubliceerd op 22 mei 2016 om 09:37

PvdA-leader Diederik Samsom finds it "unwise" that governmental partner VVD now calls for the maximum of 15,000 refugees from outside Europe who can get asylum in Netherlands. That he said Saturday night in Nieuwsuur.


Samsom responded to texts of VVD colleague Halbe Zijlstra Saturday on a VVD-Congress.

Samsom finds that a governing party this kind of '' bold decisions '' should not do at a time when we have to deal with many more refugees and State Secretary Saha Deen (VVD) '' the fire from the slippers runs '' to places to find good people.

Ordeal Samsom acknowledged that the Netherlands is an ordeal for refugees and our welfare State, but not that this would be a threat for the Dutch values. '' Then you go a step further. ''

Wear this kind of claims according to him '' in no way a solution ''. The debate on refugees does not benefit from even greater words and divisions, but at more nuance, thus Samsom.

By: photo: REUTERS

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