How many hard hits, the police can still get by without the citizen going to lose confidence in the Organization? Two scathing reports this week saw the light. But over the years the police still gives the citizen a thick enough for the performance. Or would it actually a spacious enough for the existence of the ' police ' and insufficient for the daily implementation?
The Tuesday pulled the police the problems for the wrong choices that are made in the case Linda van der Giesen. The nurse was in the parking lot of her employer tweesteden hospital in Waalwijk by her former killed. Her death has no one at the police's fault. However, it was too much chosen for guidelines and protocols and too little to secure the female, the researchers concluded.
The event is not in itself. In a published interview with Leon yesterday in Wedding Kuijs, Chief Executive of the Police Academy, he received a similar incident: two agents remained to the door because they were told that is behind the door was a hostage. They did not undertake the protocol ' hostage ' while they had the door must be taken in by it being a torture.
Action-intelligence What is the lesson that the police have learned? That there is room for the actions of the agent. That he should be able to estimate and that actions in the training must be attention for what in the police action-intelligence jargon is called. The research also meant an attack on the trust in the police? A dent in the image have spoken no one.
The second hit is a very solid report on the quality of the detection. In say the top segment Netherlands can best come along in the detection of complex crimes, but when it comes to the quality in the width to about everything wrong: bet, but knowledge is not enough. The available equipment is unsuitable for modern action and the ICT still can't hold a candle to that of Turkey, Estonia and Canada, say the researchers.
Trust Vehement criticism and yet another study of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam and the CBS that the police can count on solid trust over the years, despite headwinds. "But those good grades for trust are also not at all earned by the police, but by society as a whole", is the firm belief of Marnix Eysink Smeets, lector public confidence in security at the Hogeschool InHolland.
"That high marks for trust make the police very happy but that is not right. Those figures are mainly a reflection of the society in which the police operates. If in a society little corruption is then that will also lead to a great deal of faith in the police function. "
The police is especially the mirror of the society, as is also apparent from German research into the difference in confidence between North-West European countries and southern European countries, where confidence in the police is lower. The low corruption and violent on trust degree in high scoring countries are no property of the police but of society, proves that research of Institute Gfk Verein.
For Sahar prints the high appreciation of the police also a need. Uncertain times, with, for example, terrorist attacks, have a stimulate. "We strongly believe in the police. But when is that belief on? How many mistakes can you afford it? There is no research about it. That must be the practice. You can't continue to make mistakes. At some point you go yet a threshold. "
By Editorial Wedding: Han Koch Photo: REUTERS
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