Toilet, washbasin, kitchen suite, floor in the living room, floor in the bedroom. The five pillars of a clean house. If there is but an hour are to clean up, then embark you on those five. The rest will come the next time again.
Municipalities had the cleaning at home with needy inhabitants reduced to one and a half hours. Not all municipalities, but a lot, including Utrecht. Once known was that municipalities would be responsible for running the social support Act (Wmo), it was clear that this is one of the consequences would be. Needy residents protested en masse.
The many lawsuits brought the issue eventually with contradictory statements about this at the Central Board of appeal. Who said this week that not enough have to be one and a half hour shine standard of each House a clean house. As needy residents find themselves that more time is needed, should municipalities with them to the kitchen table to see how much or needed. Customization so.
Spetters pasta sauce In that concept of ' need ' is the whole problem. I think this needs no explanation. There are people who after the cleaning lady has been with a white glove over the top of the cabinets. But also who are satisfied if their cosy kitchen get some splashes pasta sauce against the door of a kitchen cupboard. How nasty is in a few days time a house in which a family with four small children live? How nasty is a house in which a single old gentleman who lives the bed no longer can come out?
Think of the cancer patient who has become by the chemo treatments extremely susceptible to infections and for whom the kitchen and the bathroom very clean. In all those homes would help the home exactly one and a half hours may cleaning.
Cleaning a House from someone who that itself by illness or old age can no longer, is also a form of care, the Centrale Raad van Beroep. The account of anyone who believes that this responsibility.
Coincidentally has just become known that municipalities the first year that they are responsible for help and support at home, have quite a bit of money left over what was provided for the purpose. According to the social and Cultural Planning Office called 362 million euros. A lot of it can be cleaned by the home help.
The question remains as to when a house clean enough. And most importantly, who determines that. I can imagine that to all those kitchen tables where negotiating the talks about this high, with the bet details such as door handles and kitchen cabinets. That we nowadays can be just sick of overly clean houses, I read something about that. But ill be because a House is nasty, there rarely. You'd say: those five pillars are enough.
By Editorial Wedding: Monic Slingerland Photo: REUTERS
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