Two Dutch organisations are at short notice with proposals for a trial with a deadly pill, also called the last will-medium, for people who fall outside of the euthanasia law.
In the program Nieuwsuur gave the Cooperative last will and the Dutch Association for a voluntary end of life (NVVE) that people who no longer want to live, but outside of the euthanasia law, should be for a zelfdodingspil.
D66-House Member Pia Dijkstra said in Nieuwsuur that her party this year with a similar Bill. The VVD replied "kind" to want to look to the proposal.
After decades of failed proposals (including the Drion pill), a citizens ' initiative and recently the opinion of the Commission-Schnabel, argue the two organizations for "full autonomy over the end of life".
The NVVE will next year begin a test with a deadly tool for people from 75 years. A physician must or check that the lethal means may be issued. Finally, the Cooperative establishes a test for people over 18.
By: photo: ThinkStock
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