Prisoners in judicial youth establishments have applied relatively often violence last year between them, against staff.
Per hundred places occupied 14 incidents recorded of violence between prisoners themselves. Also in 27 percent of the detainees used violence against staff, according to figures from the Jusitiële Service equipment (DJI) owned by
Compared to 2014, the number of incidents between detainees mutually declined, but, on the other hand, is more often used violence against staff.
In judicial youth establishments are young people from 12 to 23 years who are convicted criminal. Netherlands has three national establishments and four private youth establishments.
Custody In the custody is the relative number of violent incidents also high. At 6.5 of the hundred occupied places was violence against staff. Mutual violence was more common, namely at seventeen of the hundred detainees. In addition, a staff member once violence used against a detainee.
Non-Dutch people who have not been able to get a residence permit, coming into the custody. These detainees are not criminal prosecuted but they are waiting for return to the country of origin.
Take care In the prison system and the forensic concern is the number of violent incidents a lot lower. Lawyer Sébas Deen is concerned about the high number of violent incidents within the judicial youth establishments. "It's going to be a worrying high number of cases of violence, especially in relation to the prison system."
According to Deen have establishments no grip on the violence. "An environment in which violence is the order of the day, can be very detrimental to the development of young people."
By: Rebuke photo: REUTERS
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