There are serious errors made at the aid around the Sharleyne girl died last year from Hoogeveen. The aid agencies have failed, conclude the inspections in a report that is in the hands of Zembla and RTL News has realised.
The 8-year-old girl died in the night of 7 to 8 June of the tenth floor when she fell from the flat where she lived with her mother. The woman was then short time fixed, but the public prosecutor's Office decided not to prosecute her.
There followed an inquiry into the devastating conclusions Have assistance around the child, who was known at relief organizations. The conclusions which the inspection youth care, health care and security, and Justice, are damning: the security of the girl was not leading the approach of the aid workers.
By reducing the focus on the parents, there is insufficient attention to the child.
Security risks are not enough.
Information was not shared. Thereby was insufficient information available to be able to recognize problems and risks.
Reopening case?
Yesterday asked the father of Sharleyne the Leeuwarden Court of appeal via an article-12 to force criminal justice procedure to prosecute her mother. The Court looks at such a procedure or the Prosecutor has rightly decided not to prosecute. The Court may be there sometimes to force. About eight weeks follows a ruling.
Two detectives looked at the case and conclude that the death of the girl not an accident, but a crime. According to the researchers are in the neck of Sharleyne strangle traces were found.
By Editorial RTL News Photo: REUTERS
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