' Asbestos reduction waste of taxpayers ' money '

Gepubliceerd op 2 juni 2016 om 21:46

If asbestos is found, snatch the fences and men in white suits right on.

Naamloos-1270.pngBut according to a Professor of Radboud University is that unnecessary. He argues that large-scale removal of asbestos a waste of taxpayers ' money.

IRA helsloot of the Nijmegen University States that asbestos is not so dangerous as the Government claims, reports RTL news. In collaboration with Mayor Banerjee of Alkmaar and top executives of housing corporations Talis and Mitros, he wrote the pamphlet ' let us finally normally do about asbestos '. Describes the current asbestos policy.

UNREST the writers argue that the relationship between the costs and benefits is skewed. This leads to overly hasty measures. "Regularly follow right away, with large-scale, expensive reorganization programs major financial implications for the organizations concerned, as housing associations. Social unrest and media coverage hardly space to let the problem normally. "

Thursday defended Secretary of State Denis of infrastructure and the environment the introduction of the ban on asbestos roofs from 2024. People and their living environment would need to be protected against exposure to cancer-causing asbestos. Therefore, the use of all forms of asbestos prohibited since 1993. For that time it was a popular building material.

Denis calls it goes without saying that asbestos particles may be harmful if people come into contact with it. The rules are intended to reduce exposure to risk.

By Metro: Editorial Photo: REUTERS

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