Pharmacists often have too little information about patients, making them make mistakes, following the issue of drugs.
According to give general practitioners and pharmacists organization KNMP hospitals too little data that are important for drug use, such as laboratory results and contra-indications.
Research by Nictiz expertise Centre shows that pharmacists have little access to information that is relevant to them. This is because most hospitals medication reviews fax and not Exchange, for example through the national digital switching point (LSP). Director from the KNMP Tinke says that only 10 to 20 percent of the information from hospitals via the computer pharmacists.
Medication errors on the convert faxes doctors not all information that a pharmacist need, such as a patient's kidney function or the reason of a recipe. In the LSP should pharmacists can look up.
The lack of information increases the potential for medication errors, says Tinke. "At certain drugs it's just essential to know why a doctor prescribes a means. One condition you need to use a high dose and the other not. Therefore, anyone with the digital Exchange system works. "
15,000 to 20,000 people come annually to hospital because something goes wrong with the drugs they use.
By: Editorial NOS: Photo: REUTERS
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